Error when creating any pipeline rule

I’m using Graylog 6.1.7 on Debian 12 with DataNode installed on the same machine. server is lxc on proxmox
Problem is when I try to create any pipeline rule I get an error message:

mismatched input ‘then’ expecting {‘(’, ‘[’, ‘{’, ‘+’, ‘-’, Not, ‘$message’, Boolean, Integer, Float, Char, String, Identifier}
This message appears if I add smth to the ‘when’ clause

If ‘when’ clause is empty then there’s no error

How did you create the field_contains condition? I suspect that is causing the problem.

When I add a field_contains clause, it looks like this:

i get the exact same error. I put in field: message and in search: sshd, or anything else and i get this error. Even if i try Field is string on message or full_message.

I am having this same issue with the latest 6.1 docker container. I am be going out on a limb here, but after digging around the graylog2-server repo for a while, I am wondering if some of the migrations are not being ran. In particular, V20230724092100_AddFieldConditions, but looking at the mongo container logs potentially many more?

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I don’t see how migrations - and specifically that one - could be at fault:
V20230724092100_AddFieldConditions is run on every startup and simply adds mongo entries, if they are not already present.
You can check in Mongo that they are there; or enable debug logging on the migrations to see which are running.
Clearly something is off - but I don’t think it’s due to migrations.

Something to try: delete all the entries in rule_fragments, so they are recreated.

Gotcha, I didn’t look into Mongo itself yesterday, only logs from the server, datanode, and mongo containers.

I did the following steps today:

  • Deleted all persistent data
  • Fresh pull of 6.1 containers using docker compose
  • Start the stack and run the setup
  • Confirm the same error is thrown when trying to add the contains rule (as well as some others)
  • Dropped rule_fragments from Mongo
  • Restart the stack
  • Confirm rule_fragments was re-created in Mongo
  • Create rule again using builder

After messing around a bit more, I realized you just need to restart the stack after first setup to fix the issue :man_facepalming:

I had restarted the stack multiple times yesterday, but I was jumping around testing different version and deleting the persistent data each time.

Thanks for your help!

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Glad you got it fixed.

Now I’m wondering how the fragment entries got corrupted. What had changed prior to this occurring?

i can confirm that restarting the stack fixed the issue, thanks @khalef

As far as I can tell from my tests, all docker images >= 6.1.0 (including 6.2 betas) have this issue. I didn’t try every single version, but each version I spun up was a fresh install with no data from previous runs. I didn’t got back all the way to 6.0, but there is a github issue I found referencing the same problem in 6.1.1, but not 6.0.

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