Error on OpsGenie installation for Graylog

I am attempting to integrate OpsGenie with our Graylog installation, and running into an error I am not sure how to resolve (I am new to both Graylog and Opsgenie, these were installed before I started with the company).

Saving alert notification failed with status: cannot POST https://[graylog server here]/api/streams/5bc63094569c1b7af7021124/alarmcallbacks (500)

Graylog version: 2.3.2 (Yes, I realize this is outdated).

Server.conf email transport settings (I found a post which indicated this might be related)

Email transport

transport_email_enabled = False
transport_email_hostname =
transport_email_port = 587
transport_email_use_auth = True
transport_email_use_tls = True
transport_email_use_ssl = True
transport_email_auth_username =
transport_email_auth_password =
transport_email_subject_prefix = [graylog]
transport_email_from_email =

Also, the documentation states that there should be an API Key field as well as an API URL field, is this a change from 2.3.2 to 2.4?

Any help with this would be appreciated.

maybe you want to describe what your goal is?

The saving of the alert notification with error 500 indicate that you might not have the right to save that or that something is configured in the wrong way. Your Graylog server.log will give you the indication what is going wrong. If not, you should describe exactly what you try to-do.

Your Graylog version is really outdated and should be updated. The upgrade way is described in the documentation:

To what documentation you refer when talking about the API Key and URL?

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