Dashboard semi-flexible time range

I have a request from dashboards users to set the time range of the dashbaord in a special way.
The dashboard should show data from today, 7 am until now.
today and now are the flexible parts in this time range.
How can I achieve this?
Until now I could not find a way to set up such a time range.

Thanks in advance,
Dietmar Schurr

2. Describe your environment:

  • OS Information: Linux RedHat

  • Package Version: Graylog 6.1.5

So you want it to alwys only show data after 7am but only until midnight and then reset for the next day?

I dont think you could do that with the time picker but you could set the timerange to last 24 hours, and then you might be able to put the time requirements into the query itself. Because you can query the timestamp field like any other. However yiu may actually need to do some pipeline work as well, im not sure you can get the query all the way there, i had to have a field once called hour of day that was just the hour stored as a number so i could query hour>7 etc

Hey @schurd,

you can use a “keyword” time range and use from 7am till now for the timerange.

You can even save that as a timerange preset and reuse it.

Hello Dennis,

thank you very much. This is what I was searching.

Dietmar Schurr

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