Dashboard pivot tables

Good afternoon!
Let me give you an example of the situation for which I needed a dashboard pivot tables.
I have installed Graylog2 v2.4.3 to monitor a group of servers, Apache2, Nginx etc.
Delivering logs from web servers is configured. Data extraction is excellent.
After extraction, I can create queries in the search and mark the required fields.
Now we needed to get the following table on dashboard:
How can I do this.

Sorry for bad quality screenshots and not from Graylog2

This is not possible at the moment but Graylog 3.0.0 might come with a few features that enables you to build such a dashboard.

Thank you for your prompt response.
I wanted to clarify one point - when is the release of the Graylog 3?

Probably some time in the first half of 2018.

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