Hi all,
I’m using csv lookup to enrich the email domain.
I created a DataAdapter that use a already present csv file, the Cache and the Lookup Table too
where I add a default single value when the domain is not present in the csv file.
Here a snippet of my pipeline rule:
let domain = lookup_value("email-freemail-domains", to_string($message.email_source_domain));
set_field("public_src_domain", domain);
Now I have this problem on Graylog:
If I use the lookup function in my pipeline rule, the message is prenset but is present in this way:
While my expected value should be just 1. So I throught that the result is a map and I update the code using domain[“value”] in my rule but no messages arrive!
If I use lookup_value no messages are present on Graylog stream and there is an error on the graylog log:
WARN : org.graylog2.indexer.messages.Messages - Failed to index message: index=<graylog_3> id=<858d0570-fcc5-11ea-9410-c2dd6581dc42> error=<{"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"object mapping for [public_src_domain] tried to parse field [public_src_domain] as object, but found a concrete value"}>
This is the same message that I have if I use lookup and domain[“value”]
So what does this error message means?
How I can complete my scenario, where am I doing wrong?