I few weeks ago I configured a new graylog server 5.1.7, with mongo 6.0.9 and opensearch 2.9.
I export the mongo database an imported into the new serveur once all the upgrade procedure sone.
So far everything is working fine and all my configurations are available on the new server except for the notifications section.
On the old server I have a bunch of notifications that the developpers did and not only it does not show up on the new but we
cannot create any new notification. We are getting this message:
Loading component failed: Cannot destructure property 'elements' of 'u' as it is undefined.
Could not load event notifications
Loding event notifications failed with status: FetchError: There was an error fetching a resource: Internal Server Error. Addiotional Information: IOException encountered while reading from a byte array input stream
When I check the data in the database in the db.event_notifications.find() collection, I can see all the alerts.
What version did you migrate that data from? My recommendation is to export the data using the content pack feature and reimport that way. This is the supported way to migrate data. Using mongodb can work but should only be used when both the old and new graylog server is the same version.
I migrated from mongo 4.0.16 and followed the recommanded upgrade path as mentionned by mongo to version 6.0.9. And I migraded Graylog Graylog 4.2.4 to 5.1.7. Should I still be using the content pack feature? and what happen if new configurations have been added after the upgrade?
The new server has been up since three week but only now we found out this issue.
Hi guys, Unfortunatly I did not get any response from my last request. Wondering if there is something that can be done.
Also is deleting from the databases all the alerts notifications and reentering them would fix the issue?
Thanks for your time guys.
I have encountered the same problem. But the difference is that I upgrade graylog server from 5.1 to 5.2 but have not upgrade opensearch and mongodb since the support matrix is still within the valid range. after I upgrade the graylog server. All functions resumed normal EXCEPT ‘Alerts’ menu.
it keep loading and showing ‘Loading Events information…’. I would like to know that you have mentioned your problem fixed by deleting the content of the event_notifications collection. May I know I to do this?