Following the readme documentation when I try to compile the plugin via command line. I get the following error. Could not find artifact org.graylog2:graylog2-plugin:jar:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
When I load the plugin into Intellij the following dependencies are missing in the pom.xml <artifactId>graylog2-plugin</artifactId> <version>${graylog2.version}</version>
I have the plugin and the graylog server both in the same root directory. graylog-project-repos/graylog2-server graylog-project-repos/graylog-plugin-sample
How do I resolve this dependency issue!? It does not seem that the sample plugin code comes with graylog2-plugin code.
Issue is that the sample plugin code cannot find the grayloy2-plugin dependency.
Thanks, is there any suggestions you have on learning how to create a plugin besides looking at the map-widget or any of the ones in the graylog-project. I know that the scripts that used to be include to bootstrap plugins and setup all the components have been deprecated for graylog 2.0.