Cannot login to 2nd cluster node using LDAP authentication


 ERROR [ADAuthServiceBackend] ActiveDirectory error com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPBindException

There is a post here about Windows Server AD DC.

Node-01 is_master = true ?
Node-02 is_master = false?

You could do a couple test.
1.Login with the configured admin/root users for graylog.
If this works it might have something to do with settings/configuration.
2.If able to execute this try switching the master to node-02.
If that works then we know its the settings.

MongoDb replica set one write and secondary’s reads. So if both of the MongoDb database have the same credentials for AD then It has something to do with Graylog Config file settings.

EDIT: I don’t think I ask this question but on the Web UI , under System/Node do you see both Graylog servers? Just curious… The pic below shows the Master with Gold star.