I am try to configure my WinlogBeat configuration and I have the following issue.
I try to drop some events based on their processName but it does not work.
I have found the following fields here provided from elastic. I tried all of them but the events do not drop:
and here is from server event viewer:
Is there any way to filter with CallerProcessName?
The other way to filter with CallerProcessId but is it dynamically or static? Because I want to use the same configuration file to a lot of servers.
First, Please use the </> tool when you post code. yml and config code is very sensitive to spacing and it’s impossible to tell unless you use the Preformatted text tool. Fortunately I can adjust your post for it…
I had a situation similar to yours where I wanted to drop a process name and I seemed to recall it didn’t work… so I switched to regex: