Hi ,
I am trying to generate some HTTP based alert notifications for an event definition which has a unique event key. I have set the value for grace period to 20 minutes. When the condition is met only 1 notification is being received but in the Alerts overview page I see 2 alerts with different event key fields.
Also, I have set the period for “Search within the last” and “Execute search every” to 10 minutes.
Can anyone guide me on this issue?
Could we get a visual of this Event Notification and Perhaps what version you using also?
A clear brief description of what you want would help…
Hi @gsmith,
I’m using Graylog version 4.3.1. I have defined an event definition where I am aggregating on some log messages and grouping them on the basis of a unique field. I have set “Search within the last” and “Execute search every” to 10 min.
I have also added the field as event key in fields section.
I have set the grace period to 20 min for a HTTP notification. Although 2 alerts are generated for each unique key, I am only being notified for 1 key field(and too the one that triggered first). So, this is the issue for which I need some guidance.
Also, do we need to keep the value for grace period below the “Search within the last” and “Execute search every” period, as in this case I’m able to get all notifications?
What does your notification settings look like.
Also, this setting at the bottom will trigger when greater “>” 0.
Couple things seam odd,
1.you have the following configure count() >= 0
as shown in the screenshot not this count() > 0
With this type of alert for counting for a message entered a stream, I would think it should have been something like this.
2.The Event Condition is configured 10 minutes search, every 10 minutes. The notification has a 20 minute grace period. Have you tried to adjust that in any way?
Example: Match the notification grace period with Search query, Just an Idea
Also try something like this or a combination.
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