Windows AX input

Hi guys
is here any extractor or input for Windows AX?


Did you mean: Microsoft Dynamics AX? or something different?

Hi @shoothub
Yes it is.
Is there something that I can use to be able to put its log in graylog?

Do you know some input/extractor/rule to manage it?


I don’t know AX, but if it logs to normal file (plain text), you can send it to graylog using filebeat/nxlog easily.

Thanks a lot.
Currently to log text is something like


So I’d like to know if there is somthing that can help me to parse it to have k=v result.
The only operation that I think is possible is a rule with splitting on comma but there could be values with comma value in them…

Check if format for line is identical for all lines, or there are some line variants, or totaly random?
Please post some examples…

Hi @shoothub
this is an example

Nome tabella,Identificazione record,Tipo di modifica,Creato da,Nome del creatore,Nome campo,Valore,Valore precedente,Data e ora creazione,Righe ordine,"Ordine acquisto rilasciato,",Aggiorna,DaxWMU_I,,Versione record,482322249,1,24/11/2020 10.52.16

It comes from an Italian configured Microsoft AX
As you can see the 2th value contains " " because there is a comma in it…
And I have to understand if the header coming from a custom query or are always the same

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