I’m using ansible to provision our graylog stack and am wondering what the best way would be to automate input/stream creation.
I started using the content_packs_loader_enabled property in the server.conf but this only appears to be useful the very first time the stack is created. If I add more contentpacks to the file that should be atuoloaded, they don’t get picked up. Ideally we don’t want to have to reprovision these servers to add a contentpack, but rather update them in palce. I did see this https://github.com/Graylog2/graylog2-server/issues/1551
and am wondering if my use case would help answer the edge cases raised…
The only other way I can think to do this is a series of requests through the rest api (but this is much less clean than if graylog could just upload the changed configuration through the autoloader)
AFAIK the REST-Api is the only usable way to programmatically create inputs/streams/etc.
But you could open up a feature request on Github if you want this added.
thanks @jan
actually i was only interested in content packs as a means to automate input creation without the overhead of rest calls in our automation. we might end up using them as a means for creating multiple things at once though.