Unable to get syslog on graylog

I configured mikrotik router to send syslog to graylog and create a input in graylog. Even configuration seems all good I can’t get any log in my graylog. The port I used is router and graylog input is 1510. Can anybody help. What is the problem here?

On Graylog input type should be Syslog UDP.

On Mikrotik (name as you wish, doesn’t matter):

 /system logging action
add name="graylog" target=remote remote=<graylog-IP> remote-port=1510 
     bsd-syslog=yes syslog-facility=syslog
/system logging 
add action=graylog topics=critical 

And other topics, the same way

Getting logs now. syslog-facility was creating error.

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