Please someone help me,
im really new with graylog.
Almost one week im trying to solve my problem for the error could not execute search… ihave succesful to connect with client vm using conf at rsyslog and nxlog.
my input show that it is connect to them, how ever, when i want to see the message it will pop out could not execute search…
i have checked my server log…as below
2018-05-28T00:50:09.070+08:00 INFO [IndexRangesCleanupPeriodical] Skipping index range cleanup because the Elasticsearch cluster is unreachable or unhealthy
2018-05-28T00:50:16.592+08:00 ERROR [Messages] Caught exception during bulk indexing: io.searchbox.client.config.exception.CouldNotConnectException: Could not connect to, retrying (attempt #6797).
2018-05-28T00:50:24.044+08:00 ERROR [Cluster] Couldn't read cluster health for indices [graylog_*] (Could not connect to
2018-05-28T00:50:24.044+08:00 INFO [IndexerClusterCheckerThread] Indexer not fully initialized yet. Skipping periodic cluster check.
2018-05-28T00:50:27.029+08:00 WARN [V20161130141500_DefaultStreamRecalcIndexRanges] Interrupted or timed out waiting for Elasticsearch cluster, checking again.