Trying to set long field from regex pattern match

So I am trying to set a field rmq_workload, which would be a int/long, based on if a message contains the string channels open and a total workload of # where “#” is the int value I want in the field.

This is the rule I’ve created, however it just adds the field of rmq_workload with a value of “0” to every message:

rule "RMQ Workload"
    let grep = regex ("(?:\\bchannels\\sopen\\sand\\sa\\stotal\\sworkload\\sof\\s\\b)([0-9]{1,})",
    to_string ( $message.message ));
    let rmq_int = to_long(grep["0"]);
    set_field ("rmq_workload", rmq_int);

Thanks in advance for any help/advice.

Nevermind, figured it out myself. There’s almost certainly some room for improvement in my regex (it always makes my head hurt, but I just needed to be more explicit in my when statement. So the following did what I needed:

rule "RMQ Workload"
    regex (".*(channels\\sopen\\sand\\sa\\stotal\\sworkload\\sof\\s\\d+)", to_string($message.message)).matches == true
    let grep = regex ("((?<=channels\\sopen\\sand\\sa\\stotal\\sworkload\\sof\\s)[0-9]{1,})",
    to_string ( $message.message ));
    let rmq_int = to_long(grep["0"]);
    set_field ("rmq_workload", rmq_int);

Also, negative lookahead seems a better way to go.

However, if anyone is feeling generous, I’d happily take any improvement suggestions. :slight_smile:

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you can use to figure out your regex. There are always oddities on how one group sees regex from another but this will get you there nearly all the time.

(Mark an answer for future searchers! :slight_smile: )

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