There is my logs?

1. Describe your incident:
unable to find log from my firewall. I’m testing gralog, so pretty new. conected some switch and nas and ok. Now i tried to connect to receive log from my firewall watchguad as simple syslog communication. put in watchguard and graylog receive log but did not show it… why?

this is the input receiver:

as you can see a lot a message, but non on seacrh screen “all message”

2. Describe your environment:

  • OS Information:
    ubuntu 22
  • Package Version:
  • Service logs, configurations, and environment variables:

3. What steps have you already taken to try and solve the problem?

i did not know how to proceed.

4. How can the community help?

suggestion there to check

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Hello @marcottt

Are the logs arriving from the Watchguard firewall with the correct timestamp? On a global search, choose absolute time as the search option and shift the timeframe a few days into the future as below.

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hi, i think that is the problem, i’m just become to my console and i find log from test of morning, i need to check timestamp.

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