just use wildcard operators, like src_ip:10.*
elasticsearch supports IP addresses as a data type and enables queries similar to what you described, but unfortunately graylog doesn’t recognise them as such (unlike dates and numbers) and writes them as text, so just like I said, use text operators like wildcard
there is workaround though, you can define custom index mapping with src_ip field as IP data type
Elasticsearch negations should look like !(something), like !(src_ip:10.*) or NOT (src_ip:10.*), so query like !(src_ip:10.*) AND NOT (src_ip:172.*) AND NOT (src_ip:192.*) should work in theory
Please help correct the code below: It didnt work out…Thanks
rule "Allowed Firewall Inbound"
has_field (“NOT IP:10.* AND NOT IP:192.168.* AND NOT IP:172.16.* AND categoryOutcome=Success AND NOT IP:172.17.* AND NOT IP:172.18.* AND NOT IP:172.19.* AND NOT IP:172.20.* AND NOT IP:172.21.* AND NOT IP:172.22.* AND NOT IP:172.23.* AND NOT IP:172.24.* AND NOT IP:172.25.* AND NOT IP:172.26.* AND NOT IP:172.27.* AND NOT IP:172.28.* AND NOT IP:172.29.* AND NOT IP:172.30.* AND NOT IP:172.31.*”)
let Name_join = concat(to_string($message.IP), " ------> “);
let Name_ID = concat(Name_join,to_string($message.src_port));
let Name_ID2 = concat(Name_ID, (”---------->"));
let Name_ID3 = concat(Name_ID2,to_string($message.Firewall_DestinationIP));
let Name_ID4 = concat(Name_ID3, ("---------->"));
let Name_ID5 = concat(Name_ID4,to_string($message.dst_port));
let Name_ID6 = concat(Name_ID5, ("---------->"));
let Name_ID7 = concat(Name_ID6, to_string($message.categoryOutcome));
has_field checks if field with given name exists, and “NOT IP:10.* AND NOT IP:192.168.* AND NOT IP:172.16.* AND categoryOutcome=Success AND NOT IP:172.17.* AND NOT IP:172.18.* AND NOT IP:172.19.* AND NOT IP:172.20.* AND NOT IP:172.21.* AND NOT IP:172.22.* AND NOT IP:172.23.* AND NOT IP:172.24.* AND NOT IP:172.25.* AND NOT IP:172.26.* AND NOT IP:172.27.* AND NOT IP:172.28.* AND NOT IP:172.29.* AND NOT IP:172.30.* AND NOT IP:172.31.*” clearly isn’t name of the field, right? try to use $message.field notation in when clause, in pipelines you can use java like operators and pipeline functions like !contains(to_string($message.ip),"10.") || !contains(to_string($message.ip),"192.168") etc, or just use regexp matching
Regular expression match wouldn’t work in rules…i actually need to put that in rules…can u give me a simpler or more suitable one that would run perfectly
has_field("ip") && regex("ip matching regex", to_string($message.ip)).matches == false &&
has_field("categoryOutcome") && to_string($message.categoryOutcome) == "Success"
// do something
regex in your case would look something like this ^(192\.|10\.|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1]))
Please help correct this, it aint showing any errors but it still giving me private addresses.
rule "Allowed Firewall Inbound"
!contains(to_string($message.IP),"10.*") AND !contains(to_string($message.IP),"192.168.") AND !contains(to_string($message.IP),"172.16.") AND !contains(to_string($message.IP),"172.17.") AND !contains(to_string($message.IP),"172.18.") AND !contains(to_string($message.IP),"172.19.") AND !contains(to_string($message.IP),"172.20.") AND !contains(to_string($message.IP),"172.21.") AND !contains(to_string($message.IP),"172.22.") AND !contains(to_string($message.IP),"172.23.") AND !contains(to_string($message.IP),"172.24.") AND !contains(to_string($message.IP),"172.25.") AND !contains(to_string($message.IP),"172.26.") AND !contains(to_string($message.IP),"172.27.") AND
!contains(to_string($message.IP),"172.28.") AND !contains(to_string($message.IP),"172.29.") AND
!contains(to_string($message.IP),"172.30.") AND !contains(to_string($message.IP),"172.31.")
let Name_join = concat(to_string($message.IP), " ------> ");
let Name_ID = concat(Name_join,to_string($message.src_port));
let Name_ID2 = concat(Name_ID, ("---------->"));
let Name_ID3 = concat(Name_ID2,to_string($message.Firewall_DestinationIP));
let Name_ID4 = concat(Name_ID3, ("---------->"));
let Name_ID5 = concat(Name_ID4,to_string($message.dst_port));
let Name_ID6 = concat(Name_ID5, ("---------->"));
let Name_ID7 = concat(Name_ID6, to_string($message.categoryOutcome));
set_field(field:"FW_route", value: Name_ID7);
Hi J, could u give an example. Lets assume my source i.p’s field is in “src_ip”. How do u use the $message.field_name with the code below to filter out private addresses and set a new field.
rule "ip handling"
cidr_match(“”, to_ip(“”)) &&
! cidr_match(“”, to_ip(“”))
set_field(“ip_anon”, to_string(to_ip($message.ip).anonymized));
set_field(“ipv6_anon”, to_string(to_ip(“2001:db8::1”).anonymized));
And do i add the anonymized u added. And what function does it perform.
R u saying the code u posted would now look like dis? : after i substitute my src_ip??
rule “ip handling”
when cidr_match(“”, to_ip(“”)) &&
! cidr_match(“”, to_ip(“”))
set_field(“ip_anon”, to_string(to_ip($message.src_ip).anonymized))
what function is this please and what does it do?
what does this also do? cidr_match(“”, to_ip(“”)) && because what i want to do is get inbound events by removing private i.p addresses from the source_ipz