I have the graylog sidecar and nxlog installed and configured on my DC in order to send windows events log, the issue is, although i receive the logs (Application,Security,Setup) properly, i don’t receive all System logs properly, specifically the 104 event id, for event log cleared, although the event id is actually exists and appears in the System log when i check it on Event Viewer.
I am using collector sidecar version 0.1.3 and the DC is a Windows Server 2008r2.
Am i missing anything? Do i need to configure anything else, in the graylog web ui or something?
What level of logs have you specified in nxlog conf query element? 104 might be on such a low level, that the default settings of nxlog might not grab them and you need to make your own QueryList in the input module config.
This is really strange…when i explicitly set/type “System” in the Channel, the log arrives properly. But only system logs of course.
I am really confused, i though that leaving Channel empty will bring events from all sources?
How can i use more than one channel in the Channel field?
You need to customize the query according to your own needs. That example and link just show an example.
Edit: you can test the query with the event viewer: there is a “create custom view” option, where you can test the query first; then when you see it works, use it in nxlog configuration.