Solved - Regex extractors not showing up as fields

I’m trying to create four regex extractors for messages similar to the one below which comes from Windows eventvwr. My input is gelf_udp on graylog 2.4.6.

_An error occurred while processing the outgoing e-mail message with subject “I am a test email” for SMTP: for delivery through System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.60 SMTP; Client does not have permissions to send as this sender []

Of the four extractors, only the first one below named Email_Subject is working. I can see it in graylog as a field.

For new field: Email_Subject
Matched text should be: I am a test email
Regex: (".*")

These three below do not work. I don’t see them as fields. I’ve tested these expressions with several sites and they match accordingly.

For new field: Email_Server
Matched text should be:
Regex: (?<[^\s]*

For new field: Email_Organization
Matched text should be: contoso
Regex: (?<[^\s]*

For new field: Email_Reason
Matched text should be: Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.60 SMTP; Client does not have permissions to send as this sender []
Regex: (?<=Exception:\s)[^.].*

Do I have my expressions wrong?

Solved. Used java specific regex.

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