I have created some fields and I want to remove it, i used remove_field() function in pipeline, but it doesn’t work. i change message processor order, Message Filter Chain -> Pipeline Processor. but it still doesn’t work. @jan can you help give me some tips to remove unused fields?
Please post your pipeline rule, and information of configured pipeline…
- Graylog can remove only fields that coming inside, not fields for older messages already stored in ES.
- Best way to debug is to use debug() function, and check logs, if the pileline function was called or not:
debug("in function Remove Fields")
And afterthat check graylog logs, which you should see message from debug function:
sudo tail -f /var/log/graylog-server/server.log
- If you want to remove only one field, better way is to use condition for field existence, also for speed:
rule "Remove field"
// added debug message to be notified about the removed fields
debug( concat("dropped field from ", to_string($message.source)));
understood, Thank you.
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