%IGMP-4-QUERY_DROP_ON_SAT_PORT: igmp [3917] Since router ports on fexes is not supported, dropping queries received on fex interface Eth116/1/6.
Timestamp is already extracted.
Now I want to get the port (Eth116/1/6) and save it as a new field.
This rule gives me errors:
rule "find_igmpport"
(has_field("facility") AND (to_string($message.facility) == "local7")) AND (has_field("level") AND (to_long($message.level) == 4)) AND (has_field("message") AND (regex("^%IGMP-4-QUERY_DROP_ON_SAT_PORT",to_string($message.message)).matches == true))
let result = regex("^%IGMP-4-QUERY_DROP_ON_SAT_PORT.+(Eth.+)\.$", to_string($message.message));
set_field("IGMPport", result["1"]);
What is the problem?
Graylog is version 2.3.2 (2 virt. Appliances)
thank you very much. Now it works.
But that’s strange to me: The stray backslash is needed to escape the single trailing dot. (.)
That means I need to escape the backslash, which is needed to escape the dot by another backslash??