I’m having problem with SSL configuration usingg Let’s Encrypt Wildcard certificates.
I’ve created /etc/certs/ directory and put all required LE certificates there. Directory is owned by graylog user/group, having full permissions to them.
Environment is “fresh” I mean it was recently installed on Debian 11, with Elasticsearch 7.16.2, mongodb 4.4.10 and openJDK 11.0.13
Here is some config from graylogs server.conf
http_bind_address = <graylog_ip_addr>:9000
http_publish_uri = https://<graylog_domain_name>:9000/
http_enable_tls = true
http_tls_cert_file = /etc/certs/cert.pem
http_tls_key_file = /etc/certs/privkey.pem
When accessing https://<graylog_domain_name>:9000 - GUI works, but for example when I go to the System/Inputs - it shows that none input is working (which is not true, because I can refresh search and I see new logs are comming into graylog).
Also when I access System/Nodes, and click on the node I’ve got 2 error messages:
Could not get plugins
Getting plugins on node “80bd2cdb-c1a8-42ab-a9e5-7272cbe9df08” failed: FetchError: There was an error fetching a resource: Internal Server Error. Additional information: Failed to connect to <graylog_domain_name>/
Could not get JVM information
Getting JVM information for node ‘80bd2cdb-c1a8-42ab-a9e5-7272cbe9df08’ failed: FetchError: There was an error fetching a resource: Internal Server Error. Additional information: Failed to connect to <graylog_domain_name>/
Of course I’ve imported keys to java with this command:
sudo keytool -importcert -keystore /etc/certs/graylog_keystore.jks -storepass <some_password> -alias <graylog_domain_name> -file /etc/certs/cert.pem
And also edited the /etc/default/graylog-server, added this line at the end of 1st line of Default java options
-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/etc/certs/graylog_keystore.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=<some_password>
When I try to curl by domain name it just throw connection refused:
curl -i https://<graylog_domain_name>:9000/api/?pretty=true
curl: (7) Failed to connect to <graylog_domain_name> port 9000: Connection refused
Do I missing something?