Optimizing Graylog for AI Computer-Driven Systems

Hello Graylog Community,

I’m currently utilizing Graylog to manage logs from an AI computer system that processes real-time sensor data for predictive analysis. As our AI model generates more data, the volume of logs is growing exponentially, and I’m looking for strategies to ensure that Graylog continues to perform efficiently at scale, especially with the demands from the AI computer handling large datasets.

Specifically, I’d appreciate guidance on:

  1. Techniques for improving query performance with large datasets.
  2. Best retention policies for long-term analysis without losing important data.
  3. Optimizing Graylog indexing to handle high-frequency log data from AI computers.

Has anyone had success with similar setups? Any tips or best practices you’d recommend?

Looking forward to your insights!


On 3 I have the following points as for elasticsearch 7.10.2

• 3, 6 of 9 primary shards per index, depending on your amount of data nodes
• 10 to 25GB per shard is fast search is required, else up to 50GB
• 20 shards per GB heap space
• Memory / Disk <> Disk is 1:16

When above 5 elastic Master/Data nodes on avarage it s to make a cut and
provide Master / Data nodes only and at least two masters for redundancy.

If there is high ingestion then refresh_interval could be set higher, it defaults to
1 or 5 seconds and some set this to 30 seconds. Only downside is that data is only
availeble for query afther that timestamp.

In graylog server.conf there ar some tunings even so to do.

  1. Techniques for improving query performance with large datasets.
  • Use Field-filters reduce the volume of data to process.
  • Use Pipeline Processing Rules to reduce the amount of indexed data by removing unused fields.
  • Avoid Search-result Highlighting.
  1. Best retention policies for long-term analysis without losing important data.

Your requirements define ‘Best’. There are a variety of ways to approach this, Graylog Data-tiering is one option. Typically the first thing to consider is whether the data must be immediately available for queries. If not, Archiving could be another option.

  1. Optimizing Graylog indexing to handle high-frequency log data from AI computers.
  • Evaluate Pipeline Processing Rules to insure they’re efficiently processing the data by avoiding complex or too many applicable rules.
  • Evaluate Refresh-interval of Index Sets as less frequent refreshes can increase indexing throughput at the cost of search efficiency.
  • Increasing shards for indices that the data will be routed to will increase indexing throughput.

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