## separates the timestamp and actual message (key/value pairs). key should be stored as fieldname. value should be stored as the field value.
key/value pairs are separated by comma.
so far, i’ve only managed to use split & index extractor type to separate timestamp & actual message.
i’m not sure how i can separate the key/value pairs further with comma.
As you get more comfortable with them, be sure to check out the built-in extractors for things like timestamps, IP addresses, URIs, etc. You also don’t have to type cast DATA as a string, that is how the data is stored be default for that Extractor.
Also be aware, there is the possibility of unintended results in your extractor.
after the ## you missed the “key:” part of the pattern and since you are extracting DATA, you will end up storing “key:value” in the key field as opposed to just “value”.
Be sure to read up on the documentation and if you don’t have a test system, set yourself up a test input and Index that you can play with.