
Hello graylog community,

I am bit confused about maximum file descriptor limits set by graylog.
By Graylog Server RPM - file descriptor limit · Issue #72 · Graylog2/fpm-recipes · GitHub it should be 64000, but GET /api/system/stats/process returns "max_file_descriptors": 9223372036854776000

Which is right?

Have you seen this?

@gsmith: yes, the guide is very useful for setting up ES. But that runs on separate servers.
My question is about file descriptor limits reportred by Graylog API about Graylog itself.

That looks to be a bug. Can you open one one the main project @nisow95612 ?

Thank you for being active on the forums, @aaronsachs .

I am sorry to disappoint you, but it seems creating Github accounts became lot harder since microsoft takeover.

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