1. Describe your incident:
I am trying to create a map of IP’s addresses of failed logins.
I followed the guide here to setup GeoIP but the pipeline rule isnt finding the IP Address (ClientIP)
The “Input” Extractor correctly formats the message, per this guide
2. Describe your environment:
OS Information: Ubuntu 20.04
Package Version: GrayLog 4.3.9
3. What steps have you already taken to try and solve the problem?
I have tried following steps at 15048
Source Message: (some details changed for privacy)
{"CreationTime": "2022-11-29T19:33:16", "Id": "a8136cf2-ca32-4602-b990-e9b2155a2301", "Operation": "UserLoginFailed", "OrganizationId": "000000-b665-0000-8346-000016c7c39e", "RecordType": 15, "ResultStatus": "Failed", "UserKey": "9496049e-fbc6-494b-8fc7-26b89486412c", "UserType": 0, "Version": 1, "Workload": "AzureActiveDirectory", "ClientIP": "", "ObjectId": "00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000", "UserId": "user@domain.com", "AzureActiveDirectoryEventType": 1, "ExtendedProperties": [{"Name": "ResultStatusDetail", "Value": "UserError"}, {"Name": "UserAgent", "Value": "BAV2ROPC"}, {"Name": "UserAuthenticationMethod", "Value": "16"}, {"Name": "RequestType", "Value": "OAuth2:Token"}], "ModifiedProperties": [], "Actor": [{"ID": "9496049e-fbc6-494b-8fc7-26b89486412c", "Type": 0}, {"ID": "user@domain.com", "Type": 5}], "ActorContextId": "2d04b444-b665-4d7d-8346-728b16c7c39e", "ActorIpAddress": "", "InterSystemsId": "e34c081c-a363-4a9f-bbcd-2c1391ecbaba", "IntraSystemId": "a8136cf2-ca32-4602-b990-e9b2155a2301", "SupportTicketId": "", "Target": [{"ID": "00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000", "Type": 0}], "TargetContextId": "2d04b444-b665-4d7d-8346-728b16c7c39e", "ApplicationId": "00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000", "DeviceProperties": [{"Name": "BrowserType", "Value": "Other"}, {"Name": "IsCompliantAndManaged", "Value": "False"}], "ErrorNumber": "50126", "LogonError": "InvalidUserNameOrPassword", "timestamp": "2022-11-29 19:33:16.000"}
Simulation of above message:
Example Message:
Pipeline Rule:
there was mention to add debug to the rule, but not sure what to actually add…