Indices Graylog System Events and Graylog Events keeps creating automatically

Hi everyone,

Can someone explain me what are Graylog Events and Graylog System Events indices that keeps creating automatically even after I delete them? Also streams All events and All system events? There are no logs tho in these streams.

I think I did noticed first time when I tried setting up Sidecars, but I removed all Sidecars configurations.


I think it is self explanatory, it’s system events, created by graylog.

For example All events are all events created by alert system:

So they will always be created no mater if you have Alerts or not? I don’t have any alerts nor Events Definitions configured.

So they will always be created no mater if you have Alerts or not? I don’t have any alerts nor Events Definitions configured.

That is correct - because that is part of the base function of the system. The system ensure that all parts can be used without a problem.

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I see. I am generally reading carefully every changelog of Graylog updates, but I guess I didn’t understood this one.

Thank you all for explanation, I will leave it as it is then.


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