Incorrect time in log

Sorry that I missed one Important in the time …


You need to match the parse string 100% to your time - that is the reason for your errors

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I already tried to use it but I have this error message :


For rule 'timestamp_now+2': In call to function 'parse_date' at 5:15 an exception was thrown: Illegal pattern component: X

Here is my pipeline configuration :

rule "timestamp_now+2"
let new_date = parse_date( to_string($message.timestamp),"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSX","Europe/Paris");
set_field("timestamp", new_date);

When I try to use with Z in place of X, I have no error message the time don’t change.

When I try to use with Z in place of X, I have no error message the time don’t change.

And if you remove that?

I have this return :

For rule 'timestamp_now+2': In call to function 'parse_date' at 5:15 an exception was thrown: Invalid format: "2018-09-04T10:22:18.000+02:00" is malformed at "+02:00"

As you can see here:

It should work with yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ with that is trial and error currently as I do not know how your local timestamp field look like.

The timestamp is that for the moment :


It’s not easy to use the pipelines. Because I have the good time in error message with the good timezone (Europe/Paris), but I have gl2_proccessing error :

Do you know what is the problem ?


It’s possible to change the date format with good timezone ?

I still have the same problem, but I can not find a solution

Now I use this configuration on the pipeline :

rule "timestamp_now+2"
let new_date = parse_date( to_string($message.timestamp),"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ","Europe/Paris");
set_field("timestamp", new_date);

I have this on my Input :

The time at the top left is the same as in the error message (gl2_processing_error), it has the correct time zone.

However, I still have this error and therefore the timestamp field does not take into account the correct time zone.

Do you have an idea ?


Now I testing 2 new rules for change date :

rule "timestamp_now+2"
    let pattern = "%{GROK}";
    let matches = grok(pattern: pattern, value: to_string($message.message));
    let new_date = parse_date(to_string($message.timestamp),"MMM dd HH:mm:ss","Europe/Paris");
    set_field("timestamp", new_date);

And this :

rule "timestamp_now+2"
let current_year = now().year;
let ts_string = concat(to_string(current_year), concat(" ", to_string($message.timestamp)));
let new_date = parse_date(to_string($message.timestamp),"yyyy MMM dd HH:mm:ss","Europe/Paris");
set_field("timestamp", new_date);

But the 2 rules doesn’t works.

For the 1st I have this return :

And for second I have this return :

Do you have an idea, why this 2 rules doesn’t works ?


Nothing have an idea ?

This problem of timestamp will be corrected in the next version of Graylog (3.0) ?

I have already an gl2_processing_error, when I try to change the datetime with the good timezone. The pipeline doesn’t work in Graylog.

Nothing have idea ?



I have the exact same problem.
I´m trying to correct the timestamp with the pipeline rules.
When I get the error message the time in error message appears changed to correct time zone +02:00.
When I haven´t got the error message, meaning everything´s right with the rule, the timestamp hasn´t been changed in the log (timestamp remains on UTC).

Here is my rule that doesn´t produce any errors but unfortunately also doesn´t changing the timestamp:

rule “timestamp change”
let new_date = parse_date(
value: to_string($message.timestamp),
pattern: “yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSSZ”,
timezone: “Europe/Berlin”
set_field(“XXX”, new_date);

Does anyone has an idea?


the information that is visible in the first screenshot might give you the suggestion that something is wrong - but let me explain.

When you expand the message and see the field timestamp Graylog will show the timestamp that is used to save the message - this will always be the time in UTC as Graylog use internal UTC.
The second timestamp that is shown left in the listed view is this timestamp translated to the timezone that the current active user has set in his profile. For the hardcoded admin this is whatever is written in “root_timezone” in your server.conf - where the default is UTC.

Yes I understand the difference with timestamp and Timestamp.

But I don’t why my rules for timestamp doesn’t work.

I tried to use your function, but it didn’t work for me as well.

Yes, as you can see I created a new field, just to be able to easier follow the results of timestamp change and to isolate it from the timestamp field, but unfortunately I´m not getting the expected time adjustment.
So, obviously something is wrong in the way the rule executes.

Indeed, it makes me the same thing when I use my rule.
There must be a problem in the time zone that does not seem to be taken into consideration

Indeed, it makes me the same thing when I use my rule.

There must be a problem in the time zone that does not seem to be taken into account