How to get username showing in email notification

How do I get the username from the message logs displayed to be in the email so i know who this log is for.

Below is my email Body template but User Name does not work.

— [Event Definition] ---------------------------
Title: ${event_definition_title}
Description: ${event_definition_description}

— [Event] --------------------------------------
Timestamp: ${event.timestamp}
Message: ${event.message}
Source: ${event.source}
User Name: ${message.fields.user}

${if backlog}
Last messages accounting for this alert:
${foreach backlog message}

In the logs the username shows as user=“john.smith”

Hi @tor

You need to use foreach loop to extract user field:
${foreach backlog message}${message.fields.user}${end}

For example I use this message text after somebody connect to switch:
${foreach backlog message} Source device: ${message.source} Username: ${message.fields.username} IP: ${message.fields.srcip} ${end}

You can also use same technique in message subject, for example I use this:
User ${foreach backlog message}${message.fields.username}${end} connected to switch ${foreach backlog message}${message.source}${end} from IP ${foreach backlog message}${message.fields.src_ip}${end}

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Thanks for the reply shoothub.

I did this but I did not get any username showing. Is this correct?

— [Event Definition] ---------------------------
Title: ${event_definition_title}
Description: ${event_definition_description}

— [Event] --------------------------------------
Timestamp: ${event.timestamp}
Message: ${event.message}
Source: ${event.source}
User Name: ${message.fields.user}

${if backlog}
Last messages accounting for this alert:
${foreach backlog message}${message.fields.user}

so i did it again. With $Username:{message.fields.user}
and it just added at the beginning of the log file
Last messages accounting for this alert:

but no username displayed.

Try replace line with:
User Name: ${foreach backlog message}${message.fields.user}${end}

Check also in Notification tab in event definition, that Message Backlog is set to 1. It means: Number of messages to be included in Notifications.

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Hi Shoothub,
So I changed it to what you recommended but I got no username showing. Just shows
User Name: then nothing after it.

Please post your entire Body Template you use, because it doesn’t contain some lines from default template:

${if backlog}
--- [Backlog] ------------------------------------
Last messages accounting for this alert:
${foreach backlog message}

Does default template show complete mesage?

So I deleted some of the fields because I was getting data in the email that was not relevant.
Default template does show complete message like this one but not the username.

— [Event Definition] ---------------------------
Title: ${event_definition_title}
Description: ${event_definition_description}

— [Event] --------------------------------------
Timestamp: ${event.timestamp}
Message: ${event.message}
Source: ${event.source}
User Name: ${foreach backlog message}${message.fields.User}${end}

${if backlog}
Last messages accounting for this alert:
${foreach backlog message}


I’m just chimming in. I tested @shoothub suggestion and this worked for us.

Make sure you have the field in your logs that’s called user.


Should be good to go unless you have made another configuration, we don’t know about.

--- [Event Definition] ---------------------------
Title:       ${event_definition_title}
Description: ${event_definition_description}
Type:        ${event_definition_type}
--- [Event] --------------------------------------
Timestamp:            ${event.timestamp}
Message:              ${event.message}
Source:               ${event.source}
Priority:             ${event.priority}
Alert:                ${event.alert}
Timestamp Processing: ${event.timestamp}
Timerange Start:      ${event.timerange_start}
Timerange End:        ${event.timerange_end}
${if stream_url}Stream URL: ${stream_url}
${if backlog}
--- [Backlog] ------------------------------------
Last messages accounting for this alert:
${foreach backlog message}
----------------[End of Backlog]---------------------------

gsmith thanks for confirming. So this still does not work for me and I do see the field user in my logs.

Does User Name: ${foreach backlog message}${message.fields.user}${end} need to be placed in a specific area in the body of the template? At present its with the —[Events] —
Below is the output from my logfile that gets emailed to me

{index=firewall_5, message=<185>date=2021-07-30 time=15:41:45 devname=“FN-501E-C-1-LDC90-GB” devid=“FG5H1E5819906992” eventtime=1627656105314197521 tz="+0100" logid=“0101039426” type=“event” subtype=“vpn” level=“alert” logdesc=“SSL VPN login fail” action=“ssl-login-fail” tunneltype=“ssl-web” tunnelid=0 remip=999.999.179.99 user=“john.smith” group=“N/A” dst_host=“N/A” reason=“sslvpn_login_permission_denied” msg=“SSL user failed to logged in”, timestamp=2021-07-30T14:41:44.855Z, source=“FN-501E-C-1-LDC98-GB”, stream_ids=[60dc4dee41f57f68bd8cb1de, 60dc4ded41f57f68bd8cb19b, 60dc4ded41f57f68bd8cb1b1], fields={devid=“FG5H1E2819970992”, msg=SSL user failed to logged in, gl2_accounted_message_size=717, gl2_remote_port=4676, gl2_message_id=01FBVXTAX1EFX6RZ4T2G24NTY9, gl2_source_input=60dd82eb41f57f69999e0239, type=“event”, logdesc=SSL VPN login fail, subtype=“vpn”, action=“ssl-login-fail”, gl2_source_node=5b2e83f5-0328-4438-84c4-0d0da7082a55, logid=“99999999”, group=N/A}, id=42f7fa71-f144-11eb-b476-009999997bf6}

What I posted above (test_user_field) works, maybe give that a try. If not comeback here and show us what went wrong, like any errors on GUI or in the log files.

gSmith I did try your (test_user_field) before as well. No errors in the gui and I do receive the log file notification in my email just no user name.

Where do I find the log files for this when the event runs and sends the notification?

If your looking for the default file locations for you Graylog server log.

What I personally would do is create a stream with the USER field and test your logs against that stream.
Seems like your missing something. Try executing a global search for the field user and maybe work around that log file like creating a Stream → Event Definition → Notification.
Other then that Im not sure.

EDIT: Can I ask you what type of INPUT your using? Is this a firewall log? Could we see the message from your global search?

Maybe check here if that “user” field exsist.

You might have to create the user field. I had to for my firewall. First I create a GROK patteren called firewall_user


Then created a extrator using that GROK patteren.

Message recieved with the field created.

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Hi gsmith,
I will test what you have suggested. I am using a Raw/Plaintext UDP input for this firewall log.

As you can see from the screenshot I have a field user.

Sounds good, fill us in what happens.

When creating a stream is there a wild card for all user to be used in Value?


If you need just the field and all values under that field, then try this.


When you use “Match Exactly” that would be for a specific user name.

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