How to debug missing messages

What do your buffers look like when your journal fills up? Based on what they are doing (or not doing) would help identify what/where you need to troubleshoot.

Here’s a post I wrote a while back on Journal filling up that might help with understanding the message ingestion cycle.

Couple additional thoughts…

  • min/max for the java heap size should be the same.
  • heap size should not be more than 50% of system memory or 32GB, which ever is smaller.
  • at 20GB/day, you might consider raising your journal to something more than 3GB. perhaps 10GB? That will give you at least half a day in case something happens to message processing.
  • Always leave at lest 1 core for your system. you have 12, allocate no more than 11. you have 8 which is plenty for the load you have.
  • consider the infrastructure, what kind of storage do you have? Single Drive? RAID? SAN? SSD? HDD? this can make a big difference once your ingest starts going up or you start having more people in the system running queries, etc.
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