How can I use the hostname in the raw log?

Hi Team,

I would like to export the hostname in the raw log and then I would like to add this to “hostname” field.

I am testing to use “pipeline feature” and “rules”. However, I think that I do not have enough skill to make expression rule to export and set the hostname. Could you please help my issue? It will be very helpful.

For example> Here is the raw log from the network device of Cisco. As you can see that the real hostname is “dc1-chint-lf-1218” and it can be changed each appliance. (dc1-chint-lf-1218 or dc1-chint-lf-1219 or dc2-chint-lf-1000)

Custom Message:

time : 2022-05-06T07:35:47.000Z
hostname : 913
message : 913 dc1-chint-lf-1218 %LOG_LOCAL7-4-SYSTEM_MSG [F96760][raised][threshold-crossed][warning][sys/phys-[eth1/9]/fault-F96760] TCA: Egress Buffer Drop Packets rate(eqptEgrDropPkts5min:bufferRate) value 13 raised above threshold 10
severity : 4

Custom Message:

time : 2022-05-06T07:35:47.000Z
hostname : dc1-chint-lf-1218
message : 913 dc1-chint-lf-1218 %LOG_LOCAL7-4-SYSTEM_MSG [F96760][raised][threshold-crossed][warning][sys/phys-[eth1/9]/fault-F96760] TCA: Egress Buffer Drop Packets rate(eqptEgrDropPkts5min:bufferRate) value 13 raised above threshold 10
severity : 4

Thank you a lot in advance,


Something like this:

    // Use routing message to select messages
    to_string($message.message_route) == "cisco logging"
let pf = grok(
    pattern: "%{HOSTNAME:cisco_log_hostname}:
    value: to_string($message.message),
    only_named_captures: true
// Add Parse field for easier message tracing
set_field("parse","Parse - Cisco Messages");

And than add this rule to a pipeline.

You can use this side for creating grok patterns.

And play thare with the discover page. Not all GROK patterns are in Graylog.

Good luck

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I am sorry that my explanation is not enough to share what I want. Sure, I will study more to use grok, just now I can use only pipeline rule. :slight_smile:

My idea is… this can be solved this if I can export specific word and set this to the string. As you can see, “dc1-chint-lf-1218” is the second block in the log. If I can export the second block word to the specific string($hostname), I can solve this. How do you think this?

time : 2022-05-06T07:35:47.000Z
hostname : 913
message : 913 dc1-chint-lf-1218 %LOG_LOCAL7-4-SYSTEM_MSG [F96760][raised][threshold-crossed][warning][sys/phys-[eth1/9]/fault-F96760] TCA: Egress Buffer Drop Packets rate(eqptEgrDropPkts5min:bufferRate) value 13 raised above threshold 10
severity : 4

@Arie provided a pipeline rule for you. Have you tried adding that to the pipeline?

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