Graylog up and running on kubernetes, but cannot access web interface

Deployed Graylog on kubernetes, also mongodb and elasticsearch. Logs say graylog is up and running. But when used kubectl port-forward service/graylog-web 8000:9000 and try to in open browser, Nothing happens blank page. But Curl to this address is dowloading the HTML page. Please help. No clue what I am missing.
Other apps on kubernetes open in browser when their services are port-forwarded to local.

Update : the browser inspect shows unresolved links like this
and more…
Kind regards

The Graylog in your Browser needs to know where it can connect to the API (the running Graylog Server) - that needs to be configured as http_external_urior set via proxy.

Thank you for reply, I found that information and set it still ti was do many redirection than I needed to make ssl redirection false in ingress and it worked Thank you.

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