We are running
Graylog: 2.4.6+ceaa7e4
JVM: Oracle Corporation 1.8.0_181 on Linux 3.10.0-862.11.6.el7.x86_64
Elastic: 5.6.11-1
After each restart of elastics we get messages similar to this one in the graylog server.log
2018-12-03T13:41:11.195+01:00 WARN [Messages] Failed to index message: index=<del3month_deflector> id= error=<{“type”:“invalid_index_name_exception”,“reason”:“Invalid index name [del3month_deflector], already exists as alias”,“index_uuid”:“na”,“index”:“del3month_deflector”}>
It’s like graylog tries to create the deflector aliases as indexes but fails due to the fact that they already exists as aliases.
Just to be sure before I start deleting, I have 3 indices with index prefix
In cerebro I can see that I have the following aliases and assignments
default_deflector assigned to index default_211
del3month_deflector assigned to index del3month_211
del6month_deflector assigned to index del6month_210
I’m not sure about the deflector alias naming convention but it sure sounds alright to me.
Would this be a good way forward perhaps?
1, stop graylog
2, remove the aliases
3, start graylog and hope that “correct” aliases are created by graylog.
If you have any idea on how to move forward I’m most grateful.
1, stop graylog
2, remove the aliases
3, start graylog and hope that “correct” aliases are created by graylog.
The aliases was recreated but the error messages persists. They appear every time I restart the elastic cluster. I don’t think that it’s related to the alias anymore because when the cluster comes back I get a “Bulk indexing finally successful” and the indexing failures stop.
2018-12-07T13:25:26.963+01:00 WARN [Messages] Failed to index message: index=<del3month_deflector> id=<24b6543c-fa1b-11e8-9597-98f2b326b090> error=<{“type”:“invalid_index_name_exceptio
n”,“reason”:“Invalid index name [del3month_deflector], already exists as alias”,“index_uuid”:“na”,“index”:“del3month_deflector”}>
2018-12-07T13:25:26.963+01:00 WARN [Messages] Failed to index message: index=<del6month_deflector> id=<24b6543f-fa1b-11e8-9597-98f2b326b090> error=<{“type”:“invalid_index_name_exceptio
n”,“reason”:“Invalid index name [del6month_deflector], already exists as alias”,“index_uuid”:“na”,“index”:“del6month_deflector”}>
2018-12-07T13:25:26.963+01:00 ERROR [Messages] Failed to index [2000] messages. Please check the index error log in your web interface for the reason. Error: One or more of the items in
the Bulk request failed, check BulkResult.getItems() for more information.
2018-12-07T13:25:28.424+01:00 INFO [Messages] Bulk indexing finally successful (attempt #14).
2018-12-07T13:25:28.782+01:00 INFO [Messages] Bulk indexing finally successful (attempt #15).
Could it be a case of an unclear log message? Perhaps “Failed to index message” should be more like “could not find index xxxx, perhaps elasticsearch is not operational, check your elasticsearch server log”.