Graylog pipeline keys with spaces

I had a previous rule that broke out the event_description field as defined by a quoted section of the message, then broke out the portion that needed key_value() applied, cleaning up the spaces and commas. Note how the regex is non-capturing for the first two words, then once it’s done its work I am referencing indexes. Also note the commented out debug() functions so I could watch what this looked like as it went through. Not pretty and likely not efficient, but I didn’t have thousands of these coming in (small company)

    let e_message     = to_string($message.event_description);

    let desc_parts      = regex(pattern: "^(?:\\w+\\s+){2}(.*)\\.\\s+(.+)", value: e_message);
    set_field("event_action", to_string(desc_parts["0"]));
    let desc_lowered    = replace(lowercase(to_string(desc_parts["1"]))," , ", ", ");    //might have extranious comma's
    let desc_cleaned    = regex_replace("\\b\\s+", desc_lowered , "_");                 //replace unwonted spaces 
    let keyed_up        = key_value(desc_cleaned,
                                " ",
                                " "

    //debug("$$$$---Event to be :");

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