Graylog HTTPS/TLS Key Store Error (FIXED)

Edit: Everything works, I just converted the private key incorrectly
1. Describe your incident:
Graylog fails on launch when https mode is enabled, with this rather cryptic error, that seems to be about the keystore. Original issue was it being unable to read the private key but I managed to fix that, can’t delete this post

2. Describe your environment:

  • OS Information: RHEL9

  • Package Version: 6.1.8 (graylog-server)

  • Service logs, configurations, and environment variables:

    Edit: I can only post one image at a time, I’ll reply with more if needed or I’ll use Imgur.

3. What steps have you already taken to try and solve the problem?
I’ve followed this guide, mostly, with the exception of creating the certificate as I had my own CA in my homelab.

The only possible reason is that my key is in EC and I’ve seen reports of EC keys not working but that was back in 2016.

4. How can the community help?
Did I do something wrong? Need some pointers, thanks!

I’m very certain, it’s not my Root CA Certificate as not adding in mine’s changes nothing