Graylog and tomcat

I am new to Tomcat and Graylog… I dont have depth knowledge about both Tomcat and graylog… I want to read tomcat log in graylog … how can i achieve that… I want to learn and do my above task successfully… Any one have time to guid me littel bit in this topic… I dont know where to start from… i want some guidance…

can i achive this task in vmware work station?.. i have configured one centos 7 machine as tomcat and another as graylog server

Yes, it doesn’t matter on what type of (virtual) machine Graylog and Apache Tomcat are running in order to configure them correctly.

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All following commands should be executed on the remote machine where you want to collect log data from.
This line is from document you have provided… i have to install sidecar_collecter in tomcat(centos 7) server or graylog(centos 7) server?

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