Hi, I am trying to configure email callback alerts which contain some variables in the body of the email. I have been unsuccessful so far. I understand that you have to enclose your fields in a loop on the backlog object, but I haven’t got the format quite right apparently. The variables in the body of the email show up empty. I have googled for hours and tried many formats that other people have reported to work successfully. I have pasted 2 formats below - one is the default template, and the other is a supposedly working example using the backlog object loop. Please help if my syntax is wrong. Even getting a single variable to show up will be immensely helpful.
Default Template:
Machine: {message.winlogbeat_computer_name}
Name: {message.fields.Name}
EventID: {message.fields.EventID}
Alert Description: {check_result.resultDescription}
Date: {check_result.triggeredAt}
Stream ID: {stream.id}
Stream title: {stream.title}
Stream description: {stream.description}
Alert Condition Title: {alertCondition.title}
{if stream_url}Stream URL: {stream_url}{end}
Triggered condition: ${check_result.triggeredCondition}
{if backlog}Last messages accounting for this alert:
{foreach backlog message}{message}
email_receivers: steven.ochs@cgi.com
sender: graylog@cgi.com
subject: 101 User Logged into Windows online
Template using backlog object loop:
Alert Description: ${check_result.resultDescription}
Date: ${check_result.triggeredAt}
Stream ID: ${stream.id}
Stream title: ${stream.title}
Stream description: ${stream.description}
Alert Condition Title: ${alertCondition.title}
{if stream_url}Stream URL: {stream_url}
{if backlog}{foreach backlog message}
Triggered condition: ${check_result.triggeredCondition}
${if backlog}Last messages accounting for this alert:
{foreach backlog message}{message}
Thank you!