1. Describe your incident:
Regular output of error messages in the container log for Graylog, in the format of - WARN : org.graylog2.inputs.codecs.GelfCodec - GELF message <b98ed090-a868-11df-a553e-02a2ac1265405> (received from <>) is missing mandatory "host" field.
These appear every few seconds from every host that had Fluent-bit deployed in a k3s cluster.
The log entry itself, shows correctly in the Graylog GUI.
2. Describe your environment:
OS Information: Debian/Docker
Package Version: Graylog v5.2
Service logs, configurations, and environment variables:
output-graylog.conf: |
Name gelf
Match *
Host syslog.domain.com
Port 12204
Gelf_Short_Message_Key log
Gelf_Host_Key host
Mode tcp
3. What steps have you already taken to try and solve the problem?
Multiple configuration changes to the fluent-bit config maps.
Unless something is badly documented or a bug, everything appears to be how its meant to be configured.
Attempted input overrides in Graylog too, but to no avail.
4. How can the community help?
Help identify root cause or workaround to remove log noise from graylogs container log output.
Some additional reading, GELF - Fluent Bit: Official Manual indiciates - If you're using Fluent Bit in Kubernetes and you're using [Kubernetes Filter Plugin](/manual/pipeline/filters/kubernetes), this plugin adds `host` value to your log by default, and you don't need to add it by your own.
For my config, i am indeed using the filter plugin -
input-kubernetes.conf: |
Name tail
Tag kube.*
Path /var/log/containers/*.log
Parser docker
DB /var/log/flb_graylog.db
DB.Sync Normal
Docker_Mode On
Buffer_Chunk_Size 512KB
Buffer_Max_Size 5M
Rotate_Wait 30
Mem_Buf_Limit 30MB
Skip_Long_Lines On
Refresh_Interval 10
filter-kubernetes.conf: |
Name kubernetes
Match kube.*
Merge_Log On
Merge_Log_Key log
Keep_Log Off
K8S-Logging.Parser On
K8S-Logging.Exclude Off
Annotations Off
Labels On
So based on that note in the docs, this shouldnt be an issue at all?
IMO its a bug as many people seem to report the same issue. I’m unfortunately not familiar enough with both kubernetes and fluentbit to understand how to troubleshoot it though.
Latest release of Fluent-Bit, 2.2.1.
From what i can see in the repos for Fluent-Bit, it appears to be a reasonably common issue (#1, #2), but without a solution from their side.
To attack this a different way, is there a way to suppress these messages in GrayLog’s STDOUT?
Setting the log level to ‘Error’ in the GUI appears to work, but it doesn’t stick after each restart of the container unfortunatelly.