Your Elastic Search database crashed, so check elastic log file to find the reason. Due to crashed elastic db, graylog couldn’t show anything and return error 500.
when I opened the log file using nano, here is what I found. I am new to this so dont really wanna mess up anything. Any ideas on the best way to fix this?
I also gathered from one of the forums that the JAVA_HOME path might not be set correctly. When I try to access the configuration file at etc/default/elasticsearch , I get a “Permission Denied” error.
Hi @judel5,
did use follow official documentation to install Elastic Search? Because I see in your log file that x-pack modules were loaded, which can cause problems with graylog. Graylog recommend to install OSS version of elastic search packages (elasticsearch-oss) without x-pack extentions:
Check your installed version:
dpkg -l |grep -i elastic
Thanks. So at this point does it make sense to reinstall or is there a fix that I can apply? I’lll check the exact version when I get home later today.