Hi all,
I’m using Graylog 4.1.6 and I’m using filebeat to send leg message into Graylog.
My problem is how to configure fielbeat in order to send multiline messages.
You can handle that in your configuration here are the docs from Elasticsearch on filebeat->multiline
I found a random example of the multiline commands being used here… that post doesn’t solve the problem is is just an example of multiline processing in the sidecar configuration.
Hi @gsmith@tmacgbay
thanks a lot for your help
I’m going to solve my scenario and I will share the solution here hoping that could help someone in the future
Your post and it’s edit conflict in what your multiline pattern settings are, as I read it the top one where it says this:
multiline.pattern: '^\{'
multiline.negate: true
multiline.match: after
should work the way that you want.
The other important thing to note is that yml configuration files are picky about indentation. Your multiline configurations should be indented at the same level as paths:
The indentation means that the multiline applies specifically to the paths: above it… this comes into play if you have a configuration file the has different settings for different paths. Some paths: may not be multiline.