Filebeat configuration on Windows


This page

describes that there is now in graylog a log collector for filebeat (windows). But I can’t find it in the current version 3.3.4 (docker image)

Do I still have to configure it manually ?


Check the following URI on your system: /system/sidecars/configuration

I see the following log collectors in my 3.3.4 system by default (I don’t use the docker image though)

The documentation for the sidecar may also be useful to you:

Can you send me the configuration of filebeat from Windows ? Neither in the Docker Image 3.2. nor in 3.3 this configuration is available

Thank you very much.

Here’s a content pack containing the default sidecar collector configurations…

  "v": 1,
  "id": "1c1c57b4-b91c-46c2-a1d4-dfb228b8e84e",
  "rev": 1,
  "name": "Sidecar Collectors",
  "summary": "Graylog Default Sidecar Collector Configurations",
  "description": "",
  "vendor": "Graylog",
  "url": "",
  "parameters": [],
  "entities": [
      "v": "1",
      "type": {
        "name": "sidecar_collector",
        "version": "1"
      "id": "dbb32cad-be50-48c2-905a-3e925e09f50f",
      "data": {
        "name": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "winlogbeat"
        "service_type": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "svc"
        "node_operating_system": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "windows"
        "executable_path": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "C:\\Program Files\\Graylog\\sidecar\\winlogbeat.exe"
        "execute_parameters": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "-c \"%s\""
        "validation_parameters": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "test config -c \"%s\""
        "default_template": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "# Needed for Graylog\nfields_under_root: true\nfields.collector_node_id: ${sidecar.nodeName}\nfields.gl2_source_collector: ${sidecar.nodeId}\n\noutput.logstash:\n   hosts: [\"\"]\npath:\n  data: C:\\Program Files\\Graylog\\sidecar\\cache\\winlogbeat\\data\n  logs: C:\\Program Files\\Graylog\\sidecar\\logs\ntags:\n - windows\nwinlogbeat:\n  event_logs:\n   - name: Application\n   - name: System\n   - name: Security"
      "constraints": [
          "type": "server-version",
          "version": ">=3.3.4+279ef2c"
      "v": "1",
      "type": {
        "name": "sidecar_collector",
        "version": "1"
      "id": "ade27f5f-4a6f-46a9-a89c-cfcd962b3376",
      "data": {
        "name": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "nxlog"
        "service_type": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "exec"
        "node_operating_system": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "linux"
        "executable_path": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "/usr/bin/nxlog"
        "execute_parameters": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "-f -c %s"
        "validation_parameters": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "-v -c %s"
        "default_template": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "define ROOT /usr/bin\n\n<Extension gelfExt>\n  Module xm_gelf\n  # Avoid truncation of the short_message field to 64 characters.\n  ShortMessageLength 65536\n</Extension>\n\n<Extension syslogExt>\n  Module xm_syslog\n</Extension>\n\nUser nxlog\nGroup nxlog\n\nModuledir /usr/lib/nxlog/modules\nCacheDir /var/spool/nxlog/data\nPidFile /var/run/nxlog/\nLogFile /var/log/nxlog/nxlog.log\nLogLevel INFO\n\n\n<Input file>\n\tModule im_file\n\tFile '/var/log/*.log'\n\tPollInterval 1\n\tSavePos\tTrue\n\tReadFromLast True\n\tRecursive False\n\tRenameCheck False\n\tExec $FileName = file_name(); # Send file name with each message\n</Input>\n\n#<Input syslog-udp>\n#\tModule im_udp\n#\tHost\n#\tPort 514\n#\tExec parse_syslog_bsd();\n#</Input>\n\n<Output gelf>\n\tModule om_tcp\n\tHost\n\tPort 12201\n\tOutputType  GELF_TCP\n\t<Exec>\n\t  # These fields are needed for Graylog\n\t  $gl2_source_collector = '${sidecar.nodeId}';\n\t  $collector_node_id = '${sidecar.nodeName}';\n\t</Exec>\n</Output>\n\n\n<Route route-1>\n  Path file => gelf\n</Route>\n#<Route route-2>\n#  Path syslog-udp => gelf\n#</Route>\n\n\n"
      "constraints": [
          "type": "server-version",
          "version": ">=3.3.4+279ef2c"
      "v": "1",
      "type": {
        "name": "sidecar_collector",
        "version": "1"
      "id": "669962f5-6bc2-431d-8047-b68bfa627cea",
      "data": {
        "name": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "nxlog"
        "service_type": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "svc"
        "node_operating_system": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "windows"
        "executable_path": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\nxlog\\nxlog.exe"
        "execute_parameters": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "-c \"%s\""
        "validation_parameters": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "-v -f -c \"%s\""
        "default_template": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "define ROOT C:\\Program Files (x86)\\nxlog\n\nModuledir %ROOT%\\modules\nCacheDir %ROOT%\\data\nPidfile %ROOT%\\data\\\nSpoolDir %ROOT%\\data\nLogFile %ROOT%\\data\\nxlog.log\nLogLevel INFO\n\n<Extension logrotate>\n    Module  xm_fileop\n    <Schedule>\n        When    @daily\n        Exec    file_cycle('%ROOT%\\data\\nxlog.log', 7);\n     </Schedule>\n</Extension>\n\n\n<Extension gelfExt>\n  Module xm_gelf\n  # Avoid truncation of the short_message field to 64 characters.\n  ShortMessageLength 65536\n</Extension>\n\n<Input eventlog>\n        Module im_msvistalog\n        PollInterval 1\n        SavePos True\n        ReadFromLast True\n        \n        #Channel System\n        #<QueryXML>\n        #  <QueryList>\n        #   <Query Id='1'>\n        #    <Select Path='Security'>*[System/Level=4]</Select>\n        #    </Query>\n        #  </QueryList>\n        #</QueryXML>\n</Input>\n\n\n<Input file>\n\tModule im_file\n\tFile 'C:\\Windows\\MyLogDir\\\\*.log'\n\tPollInterval 1\n\tSavePos\tTrue\n\tReadFromLast True\n\tRecursive False\n\tRenameCheck False\n\tExec $FileName = file_name(); # Send file name with each message\n</Input>\n\n\n<Output gelf>\n\tModule om_tcp\n\tHost\n\tPort 12201\n\tOutputType  GELF_TCP\n\t<Exec>\n\t  # These fields are needed for Graylog\n\t  $gl2_source_collector = '${sidecar.nodeId}';\n\t  $collector_node_id = '${sidecar.nodeName}';\n\t</Exec>\n</Output>\n\n\n<Route route-1>\n  Path eventlog => gelf\n</Route>\n<Route route-2>\n  Path file => gelf\n</Route>\n\n"
      "constraints": [
          "type": "server-version",
          "version": ">=3.3.4+279ef2c"
      "v": "1",
      "type": {
        "name": "sidecar_collector",
        "version": "1"
      "id": "b560863b-a59d-49d0-b6ae-607fafec61ea",
      "data": {
        "name": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "filebeat"
        "service_type": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "exec"
        "node_operating_system": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "linux"
        "executable_path": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "/usr/share/filebeat/bin/filebeat"
        "execute_parameters": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "-c  %s"
        "validation_parameters": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "test config -c %s"
        "default_template": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "# Needed for Graylog\nfields_under_root: true\nfields.collector_node_id: ${sidecar.nodeName}\nfields.gl2_source_collector: ${sidecar.nodeId}\n\nfilebeat.inputs:\n- input_type: log\n  paths:\n    - /var/log/*.log\n  type: log\noutput.logstash:\n   hosts: [\"\"]\npath:\n  data: /var/lib/graylog-sidecar/collectors/filebeat/data\n  logs: /var/lib/graylog-sidecar/collectors/filebeat/log"
      "constraints": [
          "type": "server-version",
          "version": ">=3.3.4+279ef2c"
      "v": "1",
      "type": {
        "name": "sidecar_collector",
        "version": "1"
      "id": "f18efd57-a7ac-4513-ab56-7f5d2db1e00b",
      "data": {
        "name": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "filebeat"
        "service_type": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "svc"
        "node_operating_system": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "windows"
        "executable_path": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "C:\\Program Files\\Graylog\\sidecar\\filebeat.exe"
        "execute_parameters": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "-c \"%s\""
        "validation_parameters": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "test config -c \"%s\""
        "default_template": {
          "@type": "string",
          "@value": "# Needed for Graylog\nfields_under_root: true\nfields.collector_node_id: ${sidecar.nodeName}\nfields.gl2_source_collector: ${sidecar.nodeId}\n\noutput.logstash:\n   hosts: [\"\"]\npath:\n  data: C:\\Program Files\\Graylog\\sidecar\\cache\\filebeat\\data\n  logs: C:\\Program Files\\Graylog\\sidecar\\logs\ntags:\n - windows\nfilebeat.inputs:\n- type: log\n  enabled: true\n  paths:\n    - C:\\logs\\log.log\n"
      "constraints": [
          "type": "server-version",
          "version": ">=3.3.4+279ef2c"

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