Fighting the square brackets, need help with regex

Hi All,

I need to create a pipeline rule to extract the name of the component from my Mule-based application. This name I then store in a separate field.

Done this many times using simple regex, but the square brackets are causing me headaches.

Example (where I want sphinx-wh-system-api to be extracted)

DEBUG 2024-08-02 13:22:24,053 [[MuleRuntime].uber.1869: [sphinx-wh-system-api].whab-sphinx-main. BLOCKING @1f5b57f5] [processor: whab-sphinx-main/processors/0; event: 1-1153fe20-692f-11ef-b11a-0050569ea35d] org.mule.db.commons.shaded.internal.StatementStreamingResultSetCloser: Closing 1 resultSets

Any tips appreciated

Hello @invert123

You would need to escape the brackets, this should give you some idea.


Within Graylog you will need to double escape these kinds of special characters, as below.


Hopefully this gets you some of the way to an answer.

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