I want to use regex to catch the account name on this log file
Jun 28 15:48:17 <ServerName> Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing [476] Failed to log in to an account. Topic: Security ID: S-1-0-0 Account Name: - Account Domain: - Logon ID: 0x0 Logon Type: 3 Account for which logon was unsuccessful: Security ID: S-1-0-0 Account Name: **<AccountName I want>** Account Domain: XXXXXXXX Failure Information: Reason for Failure: Unknown username or incorrect password. State: 0xC000006D Sub state: 0xC0000064
I tried this :
`(?: Account Name.:..)"?([a-zA-Z0-9.-.@._.-]{1,})...... Account Area .... ([a- zA-Z0-9 .-. @ ._.-] {1,}) ... Login ID "?`
but I can’t catch the second occurence, i get only : -
from the first occurence…
If someone can help me…