Epoch time fields in pipeline rule

I’m parsing some Cisco UCM call detail records into Graylog using a pipeline rule:

rule "parse ucm cdr log"
  has_field("ucm_type") && to_string($message.ucm_type) == "cdr"
  let message_field = to_string($message.message);
  let parsed_fields =  grok("..<omitted for brevity>..", message_field);
  let epoch = parse_date("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ", "UTC");
  let ts_seconds = seconds(to_long($message.ucm_dateTimeOrigination));
  set_field("ucm_dateTimeOrigination", epoch + ts_seconds);
  let ts_seconds = seconds(to_long($message.ucm_dateTimeConnect));
  set_field("ucm_dateTimeConnect", epoch + ts_seconds);
  let ts_seconds = seconds(to_long($message.ucm_dateTimeDisconnect));
  set_field("ucm_dateTimeDisconnect", epoch + ts_seconds);

3 fields are in epoch time format, so I’m using the method above of adding those seconds to a 1970 date and then setting the fields with the date values. If I view the fields in the Graylog Message pane, they appear to be UTC dates (which is fine). However, if I run Quick Values against any of those fields, they show up in the original seconds/epoch format.

Am I doing something wrong in my pipeline rule?


Heyo @mmurdock,

I don’t think that you’re doing anything wrong.
Let Graylog do a statistical chart against the timestamp field of the message itself. It’ll convert the timestamps to epoch seconds. I think this has to do with some internal conversion or fallbacks of the displaying libraries.

But I have some pointers for you:

But I guess you already saw this topic since you are using the seconds() function :slight_smile:


My hope was that the date/time fields would behave like the default timestamp field does in Quick Values:

But as you can see with this ucm_dateTimeStamp (which was set using code similar to what I posted above), it only appears as an integer:

Yet when I view that field in an event, it appears as a timestamp:

I’m not sure why there is that inconsistency?


Well, it’s the other way round for the normal timestamp field :smiley:

Why that is, I don’t know. You could open up a Graylog Github Issue to get the devs to have a look at it :slight_smile:


you did not wrote what Version of Graylog you are using …

But 2.4.2 had fixed exactly that: https://github.com/Graylog2/graylog2-server/issues/4509


Yes sorry, what an obvious thing for me to leave out. I am running version v2.4.6+ceaa7e4.


would you please open a new issue, refer to #4509 and this thread including all information that a developer could reproduce the issue.

thank you

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