I’m beginner and,
I have “tried” to follow the graylog doc.
please elaborate on:
- how did you setup Graylog? (URL to the documentation/Guide you followed)
- what is your configuration?
- did you checked your log files?
is_master = true
rest_listen_uri = http ://ip_local:12900/ api/
rest_transport_uri = http ://ip_local: 12900/api/
rest_enable_cors = true
web_listen_uri = http ://“ip_local” :9000/
elasticsearch_discovery_zen_ping_unicast_hosts = (default)
elasticsearch_transport_tcp_port = 9300 (default)
cluster.name: graylog
node.name: graylog-node-1
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ip_local
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 1
2017-06-23T02:14:40.953-07:00 INFO [IndexRetentionThread] Elasticsearch cluster not available, skipping index retention checks.
2017-06-23T02:14:41.962-07:00 WARN [V20161130141500_DefaultStreamRecalcIndexRanges] Interrupted or timed out waiting for Elasticsearch cluster, checking again.
2017-06-23T02:14:44.575-07:00 INFO [IndexerClusterCheckerThread] Indexer not fully initialized yet. Skipping periodic cluster check.
2017-06-23T02:15:14.578-07:00 INFO [IndexerClusterCheckerThread] Indexer not fully initialized yet. Skipping periodic cluster check.
2017-06-23T02:15:41.962-07:00 WARN [V20161130141500_DefaultStreamRecalcIndexRanges] Interrupted or timed out waiting for Elasticsearch cluster, checking again.
2017-06-23T02:15:44.581-07:00 INFO [IndexerClusterCheckerThread] Indexer not fully initialized yet. Skipping periodic cluster check.
2017-06-23T02:16:14.586-07:00 INFO [IndexerClusterCheckerThread] Indexer not fully initialized yet. Skipping periodic cluster check.
2017-06-23T02:16:41.963-07:00 WARN [V20161130141500_DefaultStreamRecalcIndexRanges] Interrupted or timed out waiting for Elasticsearch cluster, checking again.
2017-06-23T02:16:44.590-07:00 INFO [IndexerClusterCheckerThread] Indexer not fully initialized yet. Skipping periodic cluster check.
2017-06-23T02:17:14.593-07:00 INFO [IndexerClusterCheckerThread] Indexer not fully initialized yet. Skipping periodic cluster check.
2017-06-23T02:17:41.964-07:00 WARN [V20161130141500_DefaultStreamRecalcIndexRanges] Interrupted or timed out waiting for Elasticsearch cluster, checking again.
2017-06-23T02:17:44.597-07:00 INFO [IndexerClusterCheckerThread] Indexer not fully initialized yet. Skipping periodic cluster check.
the link is just a general and the possibilities are multiple - what exact did you follow?
Did you have all services running on the same host?
if yes
- your elasticsearch is listening on the external IP and your Graylog is configured to connect to the loopback interface and so no connection is possible
additional you should check your Graylog server log that should give you some information
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