I got no problem on the first reboot of graylog it using auto obtain ip but when i change the ip and made it static, I got the error Elasticsearch cluster unavailable(Graylog could not successfully connect to the Elasticsearch cluster. If you are using multicast, check that it if working in your network and that Elasticsearch is accessible. Also check that the cluster name setting is correct. Read how to fix this in the Elasticsearch setup documentation.
Yes sir, I am using the ova image of the Graylog. and I also follow this Assign a static IP
Per default the appliance make use of DHCP to setup the network. If you want to access Graylog under a static IP please follow these instructions:
$ sudo ifdown eth0
Edit the file /etc/network/interfaces like this (just the important lines):
auto eth0
** iface eth0 inet static**
** address **
** netmask **
** gateway **
** pre-up sleep 2**
Activate the new IP and reconfigure Graylog to make use of it:
sudo ifup eth0**
** sudo graylog-ctl reconfigure
Wait some time until all services are restarted and running again. Afterwards you should be able to access Graylog with the new IP.
But after changing the ip address and made it static, this the start of seeing the error.
Yes sir, i open or access the grayloy on the new ip on the web. There is no erro accessing the new ip of graylog on the web, however i always get this Elasticsearch cluster unavailable(Graylog could not successfully connect to the Elasticsearch cluster. If you are using multicast, check that it if working in your network and that Elasticsearch is accessible. Also check that the cluster name setting is correct. Read how to fix this in the Elasticsearch setup documentation. i got no problem when i am not replace the ip.
The original ip was the i changed it to Now, when i access the Graylog on web using the ip i get this issue.