Create a new pipeline for Threat Intel

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1. Describe your incident:

I’ve created a new extractor to have a new field name as src_ip. So when I go through the streams, I see my new field, and everything seems fine.

I created the pipeline like the example.

I do not see the additional field and I do not see anything in the log file [ server.log]

2. Describe your environment:

  • OS Information:

Linux RedHat

  • Package Version:

I’m on the latest version of Graylog; 4.3.2-1

Hello && Welcome @MickGraylog1

Did you enable the plugin? System–> Content Packs show show if its installed.
Can you show the pipeline that was created?

Hello! :slight_smile:
I’m so sorry, that was a simple solution: Processor first was the Pipeline and not the Message filter.

I Couldn’t extract the field I want to put into my rule.

Thank you again!

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