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I have my graylog server running which sees all the logs coming from my Cisco devices. Without many frills. Can anyone give me precise step by step instructions to better monitor ALL my Cisco devices? with dashboard etc etc?? why can’t I find a tutorial for all this since the Cisco world is so big? Grazie
Thanks for your advice, I’ll try to understand better how to put the advice into practice. Honestly, I expected a multitude of responses from the community since for me the CISCO syslog topic is a very widespread topic. I found a lot of info on older versions of graylog
how much effort are you willing to invest? Cisco logging is notorious hard, as it’s mostly syslog which needs to be parsed. For each kind of source you will need to follow those steps:
ingest your logs into Graylog. With some devices it might be harder than with others
parse your logs into machine readable values into different fields. I recommend to stick on the GIM.
enritch your data with meaningfull information from the outside (reverse dns, IOCs, …)
route your data into separate streams for different sources: ASA to ASA, ISE to ISE, Meraki to Meraki and so on.
understand your data: create dashboards telling you what is going on and also prepare saved streams for investigations
create alerts if stuff is above/below your usual thresholds.
work with your logs, get to know them, check the parsing is in all cases good
This takes a lot of time, patience, but will give you a very good overview of your environment.