Cant install Content packs


im new with graylog and ive just install the server
its up and get logs from several inputs (syslog, snmp traps)
when trying to install Content packs im getting an error message.

im using the latest version Graylog v3.1.2+9e96b08

appreciate any help


what content packs exactly did you try to install? (URL)

Thanks for responding.

Ive tried several for example Ruckus wireless

Ive download the json file and upload it via graylog ui and click on install.

I didnt saw anything on graylog server.log

as this content pack has no description given I assume that this is build for Graylog 2.x and not Graylog 3.x you might want to ask the creator over at github:

i will
how can i know in advance which content pack is good for GL3.1?
some just mentioned that supports 2.x and higher

as long as the author did not make that visible it is only guessable.

If that content pack is created over 4 month in the past and got not update recently it is very unlikely that it works in 3.x

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