I too have Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and tried for at least 2 weeks using the localhost address and port of and would get a “503 - Service Unavailable” page. I thought it was something in the initial config, proxy timeout, etc. I had no idea I needed to change both proxy addresses to http://HOSTIP:9000/. Thank you so much! My team and I can move forward in customizing our GrayLog Server. Also, the rewrite for port 80 to 443 is brilliant! Thank you so much. I just added everything in a new VirtualHost file and did a a2dissite 000-default.conf, but either way works. You are a life saver, Strix!
No problem @jpoff1, glad it helped
Just to update this. I’ve make some changes to the default conf after running OpenVas over the server.
Enabled Apache headers module
a2enmod headers
And added to default-ssl.conf to secure the server further.
SSLProtocol all -SSLv3 -TLSv1.1 -TLSv1.2
SSLHonorCipherOrder on
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