Apache HTTPS not working

I too have Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and tried for at least 2 weeks using the localhost address and port of and would get a “503 - Service Unavailable” page. I thought it was something in the initial config, proxy timeout, etc. I had no idea I needed to change both proxy addresses to http://HOSTIP:9000/. Thank you so much! My team and I can move forward in customizing our GrayLog Server. Also, the rewrite for port 80 to 443 is brilliant! Thank you so much. I just added everything in a new VirtualHost file and did a a2dissite 000-default.conf, but either way works. You are a life saver, Strix!

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No problem @jpoff1, glad it helped :slightly_smiling_face:

Just to update this. I’ve make some changes to the default conf after running OpenVas over the server.

Enabled Apache headers module

a2enmod headers

And added to default-ssl.conf to secure the server further.

SSLProtocol all -SSLv3 -TLSv1.1 -TLSv1.2
SSLHonorCipherOrder on

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I recommend this page:


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